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Die Eienaar/Bestuurder,




AA Travel Experience Tygervallei bied u besigheid die volgende geleentheid:


·        Sou u ons reis-brosjures  en vakansie geleenthede aan u kliente versprei, sal ons kommissie betaal op alle verwysde besprekings wat van u besigheid ontvang word.

·        Om rekord te hou van besprekings en kommissie, wat betaal moet word, sal daar 'n unieke nommer aan u besigheid toegeken word. Alle brosjure wat na u versend word sal met u unieke nommer gemerk wees.

·        Om kwaliteit te verseker, sal slegs brosjures na u deurgestuur word waarvan die produk goed deur ons nagevors is.


The Owner/Manager,




AA Travel Experience Tyger Valley offer your business the following opportunity:


·        Should you distribute brochures of holiday destinations and travel specials to your clients, we will pay commission on all bookings referred from your business.

·        In order to keep track of bookings we will assign a unique number to your business. All brochures earmarked for your business will be stamped or marked with your unique number.

·        For quality purposes, we will only forward brochures of destinations and services that are well researched.


Andre Nel
Travel Experience offers a wide range of travel services to the general public.
AA Travel Experience Travel Agency
Tyger Valley Centre Entrance 8
Cape Town
Tel:    +27 (0)21 914 2265
Fax:   +27 (0)21 914 2023
Mob:  +27 (0)82 7722 487
E-M :  andre.te@galileosa.co.za
Web:  www.exploreabroad.co.za
IATA no: 772 0361 5